Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kindergarten - Handprint Seascapes

Kindergarten students learned about seascapes that included seaweed and coral. They used tempera paint to create an underwater habitat for their fish.

  • Identify a seascape
  • Identify elements of an underwater habitat
Vocabulary: seascape, habitat, seaweed, coral

  • Day 1: Paint water and sand
  • Day 2: Paint seaweed and coral
    • (Tips for painting seaweed and coral with kindergarten: Seaweed - have them paint a straight line from the sand, then add short lines coming off of the line. Coral - have them paint a straight line from the sand, then add small y's coming off of the line.)
  • Day 3: Paint their hands with a contrasting color for the fish. (I use a brayer for this.) Finally, they will make their bubbles with one finger. (Suggestion: use a different blue than the water.)
  • I used a paint marker to draw the eye, mouth, student name, and date.

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