Sunday, October 16, 2016

O'Keefe Inspired Flowers - 4th Grade

4th Grade learned about Georgia O'Keefe and her close-up view style. They drew large flowers, some petals going off of the page. Then they chose how to add color with the following options: 1) Outline with Sharpie, then glue, then paint with watercolors, 2) Outline with glue, then paint with watercolors, 3) Outline with Sharpie, then color with markers.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Affirmation Portraits - 5th Grade

Students drew a self-portrait, then outlined with Sharpie. They had their choice of which medium to use, then added color. Finally, they typed 5-10 affirmations about themselves, cut them out, then glued them down.

3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Clay

3rd - 5th Graders enjoyed creating their clay sculptures. Third grade were instructed to make clay creatures. Their inspiration was monsters...