Thursday, October 18, 2012

Art Fundraiser

Square 1 Art is our art fundraiser this year. The ordering information will go out at the beginning of November. Orders may be placed on-line at that time. If you choose not to order on-line, the paper orders are due by November 13, 2012. All of the profit earned will go towards providing art supplies for the Art class.

My purpose for Artsonia is to have an on-line art exhibit for our school. Artwork will be placed on this website throughout the year. They have items that you may order as well, which also profits our school's art department. To clarify, Artsonia is our on-line art exhibit and Square 1 is our art fundraiser.

Thank you very much for supporting the arts!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kindergarten Hand Printed Birds

Kindergartners created colorful works of art using their hand prints. These artworks are for the Square 1 Art Fundraiser.

1st Grade Eric Carle Insect Collages

1st graders created insect collages inspired by the author and illustrator, Eric Carle. These artworks are for the Square 1 Art Fundraiser.

2nd Grade Action Figures

2nd graders created figures (human or animals) that showed some sort of action for our Square 1 Art Fundraiser.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

3rd Grade Favorite Animals

The 3rd graders have been drawing pictures of their favorite animals. They learned about the animals and their habitats. They used this knowledge to create wonderful works of art.

3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Clay

3rd - 5th Graders enjoyed creating their clay sculptures. Third grade were instructed to make clay creatures. Their inspiration was monsters...