Friday, March 11, 2016

4th Grade No Bodies

Students formed a shape for their characters head and added features to the head. They poked a hole in the bottom of their clay. After the sculptures were fired, they added color with Mayco Stroke & Coat glazes.

3rd Grade Owls

3rd graders made pinch pots, then turned them upside down to create owls. They were allowed to be as creative as they wanted to be. Some added food, cell phones, head phones, and even top hats. They added color with Mayco Stroke & Coat glazes.

2nd Grade Monsters

2nd graders made pinch pots, then turned them in their said to create clay monsters. After they were fired, they added color with Mayco Stroke & Coat glazes.

Kindergarten Medallions

Kindergartners stepped on a small ball of clay with their shoe. We added a hole in the wet clay, then let them dry. Once the clay was fired, they colored them with construction paper crayons and watercolor paint.

3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Clay

3rd - 5th Graders enjoyed creating their clay sculptures. Third grade were instructed to make clay creatures. Their inspiration was monsters...